Paul VanZandt

The Six Best Icebreakers for Teams 

Icebreakers for teams are designed for people to ease up in social situations. They help speed up group familiarity and ease the socialization process. Essentially, icebreakers warm up the conversations between people and allow them to get an initial

What is Ice Breaker? Definition, Agenda, Types and Design

Table of Contents Ice breakers are activities that foster conversations among a group of individuals. They warm up the discussions among participants who have gotten together for a meeting, team-building session, or any other social activity

What are the advantages of Storyboarding in a business?

Nothing best describes the effectiveness of a product or service than a customer’s point of view. Who better tell you how tasty your soup is than the one who ate it? Capturing your business from your customer’s perspective is tied

Hi, I am Paul VanZandt.