Innovation Best Practices

Calculating the ROI of an Idea: Ideas That Saved Time

Crowdsourcing and open innovation initiatives are vital by bringing vast stakeholders together to share ideas on complex problems and opportunities. Much of the focus is set on engaging the crowd yet deciding which ideas to take a risk on requires

6 Tips on Giving Effective Feedback to New Ideas

Encouraging creativity is one of the key challenges of innovation strategy. Yet, not every idea is going to be feasible. Constructive and effective idea feedback starts before you ask for an idea. It should be specific, goal-oriented, focused on the

2021 IdeaScale Innovation Management Award Winners

For 2021, IdeaScale has three new winners of the Innovation Management Awards: TriHealth for engaging nearly 80% of their workforce; Grant Thornton for pioneering work in automation; and Graybar for an exemplary innovation process. Best Innovation Process: Graybar One of

Help IdeaScale Identify the Future of Innovation

IdeaScale is gathering trends to inform their view of the future of innovation. To do that, they are asking futurists, innovation leaders, entrepreneurs, and other forwarding-thinking business leaders to answer at least one of three questions in their Future of

IdeaScale Climate Innovation Pledge

On Earth Day, IdeaScale launched its climate innovation pledge. To date, 12,862 ideas have been gathered. This number continues to rise. IdeaScale’s goal is to reach one million climate innovation ideas by 2025. Become a part of the IdeaScale climate

How Open Source Can Help Drive Government Innovation

Overview: Open source software, patents, and research provide the codebase, data, and information to anyone who wants to explore it. For governments, this allows better citizen engagement and support without committing substantial funds to upgrade or becoming locked into proprietary

An Inside Look at IdeaScale

Overview: Learn more about what an IdeaScale platform of innovation management platform can do for your organization. Why Use IdeaScale? We've found as we talk to our clients that one of their main concerns is communication and tapping into their