Innovation Best Practices

Reality Strikes Back: How to Build Innovation Resilience in Uncertainty

“This time feels different.”  I’ve been hearing this from innovation practitioners and partners for months  We’ve seen innovation resilience tested in times of economic uncertainty and geopolitical volatility.  We’ve seen it flourish when markets soar and capital is abundant.  We’ve

The 5 Keys to Corporate Longevity

The quest for immortality is as old as humankind.  From King Gilgamesh in 2100 BCE to Jeff Bezos and Larry Page, the only thing that stops our pursuit of longevity is death.   So why don’t we apply this same verve and vigor

Fun Facts About Concept Testing

Purchase Intention: Predicting success in concept screening Companies spend millions of dollars every year using purchase intention as a way of predicting success in concept screening. Given the reliance on “purchase intention” as a key predictor or success, there probably

Keeping Organizational Innovation Alive

Pleased with your current team’s ability to innovate and work together? Perfect! Now, it’s time to take a proactive approach to maintain their bond, creativity, and curiosity. Keeping innovation alive requires a mix of ongoing team building and group and

16 Best Free Online Brainstorming Tools in 2022

What are the best tools for brainstorming in 2022? Remote and hybrid works are becoming the new norm. Coordinating brainstorming sessions and innovation work can require a substantial amount of creativity. These web-focused brainstorming innovation tools will allow you and

How Innovation Can Aid a Weakened, Post-Pandemic Economy

Highlights Innovation strategy will be crucial to overcoming the post-COVID pandemic challenges faced by global economies. The pandemic has highlighted inequalities and potential solutions, giving innovative teams the chance to turn challenges into opportunities as we reach a new social