Innovation Best Practices

How Better Access to Data is Improving Government Innovation

Highlights Government innovation is being increasingly centered around data access, such as big and open linked data (BOLD). The Federal Data Strategy (FDS) is helping government agencies break down silos and use similar methods of organizing data and building data-sharing

How NASA is Crowdsourcing the Search for Life on Mars

Highlights Crowdsourcing is part of NASA’s innovation strategy, drawing on private and public organizations. NASA has launched a crowdsourcing initiative to help process the spectrometry data coming from rovers to find potential evidence of life on Mars. The resulting innovation

How Innovation is Transforming the Way We Approach Disabilities

Highlights Innovation to help those with disabilities is needed to overcome policy, attitude, communication, and physical barriers. Many disabilities are invisible, with people laboring under them to live and work. Innovation strategy can create needed equity for people with all

Top Innovation Conferences for 2022

One of the central curiosities of the COVID-19 pandemic is that innovation festivals have had to show some innovation themselves. In 2022, one fascinating theme we’ve noticed is what’s stuck. Virtual conferences in particular seem to be one trend that

What is a Change Agent and How Can They Help Your Organization?

Highlights  Change agents are individuals or groups who find and manage change across your organization. Change agents can be found inside your organization and among customers, vendors, and others you interact with. Change agents show flexible thinking, a broad knowledge