Jessica Day

What Companies That Excel at Innovation Do Right

Innovation can be challenging. You need a strategy with the right people and solutions in place to effectively drive the process. Companies that excel at innovation share common traits. Here are some of those characteristics that lead to success. Develop

What Smart City Solutions Can Elevate the Human Experience?

Cities are becoming smarter, and it's opening new vistas for citizens. As sensors and data analysis tools drop in price, cities, and towns are incorporating them into their innovation process for "smart cities". It will lead to better public works,

5 Ways APIs Can Help Drive Digital Transformation

Advanced Programming Interfaces are the standard for creating and connecting applications. Think of them as software blocks that can be rearranged as needed to generate new value. Because of this, APIs should be a part of every innovation strategy, that

What We Can Learn About Government Innovation from DARPA

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has already changed the course of history. DARPA was where the internet, the graphical user interface, the voice assistant, and GPS were pioneered, changing how we work, play, and live. Here's what

What We Can Learn About Government Innovation from DARPA

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has already changed the course of history. DARPA was where the internet, the graphical user interface, the voice assistant, and GPS were pioneered, changing how we work, play, and live. Here's what

How Has Company Culture Changed in Response to COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the business landscape, possibly forever. Many employees are forced to work from home, engage with customers via the internet, and make all sales from afar. A strong company culture leads to success. It even makes your

Emerging Trends in the Financial Sector in 2020

The financial sector continues to face numerous changes in today's ever-evolving business landscape. As challenges are introduced, new opportunities arise. Technology continually shapes the industry by providing these opportunities. These changes require a highly developed innovation strategy that will pave

Innovation Driven by Culture at Sunshine Coast Credit Union

The culture of an organization directly contributes to its innovation success. The most innovative companies recognize the importance of continuous change and growth to remain on top. Research shows 2/3 of these organizations make it one of their top three management priorities

Jessica Day
Hi, I am Jessica Day.