Jessica Day

Change Management: Five Reasons Organizational Change Fails

Change is hard, but managing it is harder. Many organizations struggling to make meaningful alterations to their structure have run into any number of roadblocks. Here's are some of the ways that organizational change fails and how to overcome them

How to Create and Sustain a Culture of Innovation

Successful innovation is supported organization-wide. Management and employees need to be on board with strategies that drive change. A culture of innovation creates the framework for idea sharing and implementation. Positive change occurs when employees are equipped with the right

How NASA Coaches Its Community to Overcome Challenges

Innovation and NASA are synonymous. The agency is famous for quite literally fitting a square peg in a round hole to rescue the Apollo 13 astronauts. Yet, most of its innovation is on a much smaller level, if no less dramatic in

Leadership in a Pandemic

We need strong leaders. They help us grow and remove obstacles on our path to success. They do this well because they are confident, resilient, and inspiring. But it’s what you don’t see right now that is cause for concern.

Four Standout Innovation in Business Examples

Innovation is a must in the ever-changing company landscape. Looking for inspiration? Apply these four innovation in business examples to your organization. Companies of all sizes are causing disruption. Recent innovation in business research reveals that 88% of Fortune 500 companies active

The Courage to Belong No Place

“You are only free when you realize you belong no place—you belong every place—no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great,” Maya Angelou told Bill Moyers in a 1973 interview. As a leader, you may find

Jessica Day
Hi, I am Jessica Day.