Do you believe trust-building takes place in your local community? Want to strengthen communication between you and your local government through the right change management and innovation strategies? An upcoming webinar, Local Government: Innovation for Better Civic Engagement, addresses these issues and more.
Innovation strategy is the key to communication. The digital world is always changing, providing greater means to share ideas. This webinar is designed to facilitate better engagement between you and the local government. Learn how towns, cities, and counties can use online and mobile channels to start a dialog for improving communities.
Why Should Governments Communicate with Citizens?
Governments constantly search for ways of building relationships with citizens. The digital age has increased the number of platforms used to communicate.
For example, 81 percent of Americans have at least one social media account. This enables local governments to share information via social media in a way that is interactive and can inspire dialog.
Governments need the support of their citizens. Without it, they are unable to communicate new programs and facilitate idea-sharing. This type of communication positively impacts citizens and improves lives.
Citizens Trust Local Government over State
Americans have expressed being more trusting of local than state government, findings that have remained consistent over the last decade. According to a Gallup poll, this trend has not varied much during the last 20 years.
Out of those polled, 72 percent reported a great deal of confidence in local government while 63 percent conveyed trust in state government.
Americans trust the local government because these officials are directly involved in local communities. They work to keep citizens safe, clean the streets, and educate children. Citizens could meet local leaders in person and have a say in who is elected.
Citizens’ Role in Local Government
When citizens can actively participate in issues pertaining to the local government, they feel empowered. This leads to further civic engagement and communities that work together.
Strengthening Citizen Engagement
Local governments can strengthen citizen engagement by assessing the impact of programs and initiatives on local residents. According to the New Tactics in Human Rights Program, strengthening participation improves public resource management and reduces political corruption through citizen accountability.
The key to increasing trust is actively engaging with citizens through in-person meetings, online forums, and social media. Other tools can be used to provide citizens with valuable information about the community. These include annual reports, board meetings, and community forums.
Direct engagement gives citizens the opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns in a non-threatening environment where their views and opinions will be heard. This is what stimulates the type of active dialog needed to create viable innovation strategies through idea sharing and invoke positive change.
Want to learn more about available mobile and online channels used by citizens and local governments to improve communities? Register now for the webinar and join us on January 29, 2020, at 10:00 Pacific Time (US and Canada).
Contact us for information about the webinar and to learn more about what we do in the area of idea management.
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