Jessica Day

The 4-Step Guide to Refining Your Innovation Process

Most companies today make innovation a priority — or at least they say they do. However, innovating is an inexact science. It’s not the same as learning how to thread a needle or take a screenshot on your Mac. So

Is Your Office Design Stifling Creativity?

Without enough light, water, or the right mix of nutrients, a plant might live, but it may grow poorly, have droopy leaves, and refuse to bloom. Similarly, your workers need certain things to thrive. You want your employees to bloom,

The Innovation Leader’s Secret Superpower: Curiosity

One common quote about science you often hear is “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!'. But 'That’s funny…'," which is usually attributed to Isaac Asimov. Ironically, the truly curious

4 Steps to Supercharge Your Next Brainstorming Session

You know that brainstorming isn’t just thinking. It’s more than that. It’s coming up with different and novel ideas that will hopefully lead to a better solution to your problems. However, knowing what it is and being good at it

Fostering Innovation for a Distributed Workforce

Flexible working, telecommuting, working from home, distributed working. No matter what you call it at your company, it offers a host of advantages. Teams are more focused, better able to balance life's many demands, and generally happier. What impact does

Best Practices for Internal Crowdsourcing: Lessons Learned from NASA

Do you want to know the secrets to success through internal crowdsourcing and innovation storytelling? NASA’s Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation — a crowdsourcing platform — unveiled their best practices for approaches to problem-solving in a recent webinar in

How to Identify Leaders among Your Staff

Innovation can’t thrive without leadership. Innovation leadership is emerging as a primary need of today’s businesses. It isn’t enough to have an outstanding leadership team today. You have to think ahead to the leaders your organization will have in the

Innovation Management: What Does Success Look Like?

While the term innovation isn’t exactly esoteric, it can be hard to pin down. What is innovative and what isn’t? The answer isn’t black and white. What qualifies as successful innovation management? Coming up with an idea that others like?