Jessica Day

IdeaScale and Betterific: A Match Made in Innovation Heaven

Ideascale and Betterific announced at the end of January that they were teaming up to bring the latter's strengths in crowdsourced open innovation to Ideascale's industry-leading innovation management platform. So why are they better together? And what can innovation teams

5 Use Cases for Blockchain in Government

There's lots of hype surrounding blockchain, but at the root, it's a simple concept. Instead of one centralized authority having a ledger of transactions, everyone holds the ledger, and when a new transaction happens, everyone's ledger is updated. Transactions are

Five Innovators You’ve Never Heard Of

According to recent statistics, half of all inventions happen by accident, and two-thirds of patents arise from collaboration. There's plenty of innovation going on, but do you know who invented the products and services you use every day? All innovations begin with

How Do Your Employees Feel about Your Innovation Strategies?

Innovation is at its best when everyone in your organization is involved in the process. Are your employees engaged with your company’s innovation strategies? Employees who are directly engaged with what’s going on in the company will feel a stronger

Five Ways to Innovate in a Risk-Averse Corporate Culture

Innovation is a buzzword in the corporate world today. If you aren’t on board with collaborating to form ground-breaking ideas, you won’t stay ahead in the fast-paced digital age. Successful innovation management derives from a mindset that welcomes new ideas

A Look at Innovative Sustainability Trends for 2020

Are you looking to shape sustainability trends in 2020? There’s a climate fight going on, and consumers and citizens are getting their say. Organizations and policymakers are altering how they do business to introduce new rules for promoting global sustainability.

Embracing Agile Methodology to Spur Innovation

Are you looking for a way to optimize your innovation strategy? The agile manifesto was created in the early 2000s by software developers who wanted to bring their products to the market faster and more efficiently. Hence, agile software was

How Will 5G Spur Innovation across Multiple Industries?

The 5G revolution is here, giving you faster networks than ever before and more opportunities to set innovation trends. This next generation of wireless technology will be more than ten times faster than 4G and reduce latency in connections. What