Innovation Stories

Develop Pause Power

Many of my coaching clients recently shared their struggles with feeling tired, emotionally overwhelmed, and cognitively overloaded and are close to burnout. They attributed these issues to the pervasive and addictive nature of technology, exacerbated by the pandemic and divisive

Humanising Agility to Innovate

Like many others, I invested time in isolation during the pandemic to engage in various online learning programs. As a highly credentialed coach who coaches many global Agile and SCRUM leaders in major international and local organisations, I enrolled in

How Creative Constraints Boost Innovation

As defined by TEDEd Educator Brandon Rodriguez, “Creative constraints are the requirements and limitations we have to address in order to accomplish a goal.” This includes factors such as: Cost Timeline Required materials Availability of materials Technical specifications Current technology

These are the Top Female Innovators of 2022

Gender equity plays an important role in developing a truly innovative workplace culture. Innovation is six times more likely in companies that offer true equity for everyone. Many well-known innovators are women. Here are some of the top female innovators

PCAST Meets to Discuss How Science & Tech Can Drive Innovation

Overview: Since 2001, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has drawn on outside scientists, academics, engineers, and others to guide the President on effective policy for boosting innovation and scientific advancement in America. The council's history

A New Era: A New Green Economy

The climate crisis is escalating faster than most people imagined. We must act now to change critical dimensions of the tasks, structures, and day-to-day practices of our companies. Just as human civilization moved from the Agricultural Era to the Industrial

Nine Top Drivers of Innovation in an Organization

Overview: Innovation strategy needs more than just a great kickoff meeting. To foster innovation, the entire organization needs to be involved, have access to the needed resources to innovate, and see their innovations celebrated across the company. Here are nine

How Innovation Awards Can Fuel Business Growth

Wolters Kluwer is a global provider of information, software solutions, and services for professionals in the healthcare, tax, finance, audit, risk, compliance, and regulatory sectors. They serve customers in over 180 countries, maintain operations in over 40 countries, and employ