Jessica Day

What Is the Cost of Ignoring Change Management?

Change is necessary for innovation to occur. If managed well, it is effective, but if managed incorrectly, it can be worse than no change at all. Change management requires a well-developed strategy. Failing to create one can result in high

What the U.S. Treasury is Learning from Its Blockchain Projects

Government innovation needs a different path and approach than in the private sector. It's something the Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation (FIT), in the Treasury Department's Fiscal Service Bureau, knows well. As they begin working to implement their first blockchain

How to Draw Innovation Inspiration From Customer Data

Data is the most valuable tool that any business has access to today. With the right insights, you can determine which of your marketing strategies generates the most return on investment or which audience you should target with your new

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the 5G Rollout

The COVID-19 pandemic has hugely impacted the need for the 5G rollout. As the way people communicate has changed, companies like Motorola and Qualcomm have bolstered their product development strategies. With so many businesses turning to remote work, technology companies

Are Too Many Zoom Meetings Stifling Your Creativity?

2020 has been a year of change management around how we work, particularly with videoconferencing. While the results haven't been consistently positive, as any parent can tell you, they have been positive enough that Zoom calls, Teams meetings, and FaceTime

How Can You Align Product Development with Business Strategy?

When developing new products, organization leaders must ensure their efforts align with the overall business strategy. This is essential for success because it relates the new product to the company mission. According to product development research, one in seven product ideas will

How a Pandemic Promoted Innovation in Manufacturing

Like all industries, manufacturing has seen many changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. In just a few short months, supply chains were cut off, and manufacturers were forced to innovate or close their doors. Surviving businesses need to create an innovation

Government Will Need to Innovate to Sustain Remote Work

2020 marked the year when working remotely became a necessity. And, once the pressures keeping workers home lift, remote working is likely to remain part of government employment. However, this creates a pressing need for government innovation to protect what's

Jessica Day
Hi, I am Jessica Day.