
Ideas shared by tens of thousands of government employees


Votes cast, ensuring that the top ideas were identified, developed, and implemented


Savings generated by top ideas, helping the government operate more efficiently and effectively.


Every year, the President puts out an open call out to all federal employees inviting them to publicly submit their money-saving ideas online using IdeaScale technology. This call is promoted by various branches, departments and organizations within the government encouraging employees to share whatever thoughts they have on the subject.

The ideas are submitted, users vote the ideas up and down and the best ideas usually bubble up to the top.

The Office of Management and Budget then narrows down the best ideas to a “final four” which can be viewed and voted on by the American public. The winner is granted the honor of presenting his or her idea to the President in Washington.


The first year’s winner suggested that medications and supplies used to treat VA patients be sent home with the patients rather than destroyed. This idea alone will save the American people an easy $14.5 million before 2014.

In 2011 the top idea suggested establishing a centralized tool repository, or “lending library,” for NASA employees to use when developing and building space flight projects. His idea alone received nearly 40% of the total online votes.

And these just represent the winning ideas. Dozens of the most promising ideas have been included in the President’s Budget, specifically in the Terminations, Reductions, and Savings section that are saving taxpayer’s millions of dollars every year.

Stremlining Global Collaboration

Amway’s dedication to genuine global ideation shines through as ABOs (Amway Business Owners) from diverse backgrounds seamlessly collaborate across borders. The company’s commitment is underscored by its support for 12 languages and the employment of a team of in-market translation moderators. These moderators leverage IdeaScale’s distinctive translation workflow, ensuring the precision and clarity of ideas, comments, and moderator responses. This strategic investment establishes a foundation for effortless global collaboration and ideation.

Closing Thought

Amway’s narrative serves as a compelling illustration of the transformative power of innovation through collaboration. Through the empowerment of their ABOs and the strategic utilization of IdeaScale’s capabilities, Amway has not only facilitated smooth global collaboration but also unlocked the potential for groundbreaking ideas that propel their ongoing success.

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IdeaScale is an innovation management solution that links organizations to people with ideas.

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