Jessica Day

Best Practices for Engaging Your Innovation Community

Get everyone in the community involved. Developing a broad and deep innovation community puts a wonderful resource at your fingertips. Yet tapping into that resource requires more than just cheerleading. Here's how to bring your community together and work toward

Why Innovation Is a Process of Discovery

Innovation is the core of an organization. While numerous companies have innovation teams, many are looking to spread idea sharing throughout the entire company. According to a 2017 Web Strategist report, 57 percent of corporations cite innovation as a top challenge.

The Innovation Manager’s Quintessential Reading List

As an innovation manager, you are always looking for the latest trends. Drawing inspiration from innovators who have come before you is a great way to learn. According to a recent survey, high-growth companies apply innovation strategies that look far beyond

How to Reward Innovative Thinking in Your Company

Innovation is an essential aspect of any business. No matter your industry, there is an ongoing need for new ideas that put products into the hands of customers. Innovation management is about thinking outside the box. It involves creating new

Creating Healthy Feedback Loops for Government Innovation

Government leads at the request of its constituents, and that means when the people speak, governments listen. The challenge is to create a consistent flow of feedback from the right stakeholders that turns into a positive feedback loop for innovation

6 Ways Crises Forge Strong Innovation Leaders

The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way companies do business. Strong innovation leaders are meeting the challenge of finding better ways to perform everyday tasks. This type of leadership is courageous and real. It does not happen overnight, but instead,

Strategic Foresight: What It Is and How to Get It

You can't predict the future, but you can look at the road ahead. Nobody can see the future completely, yet the desire to do so is so strong billions consult with everything from tarot cards to complex algorithmic simulations every