
Reality Strikes Back: How to Build Innovation Resilience in Uncertainty

“This time feels different.”  I’ve been hearing this from innovation practitioners and partners for months  We’ve seen innovation resilience tested in times of economic uncertainty and geopolitical volatility.  We’ve seen it flourish when markets soar and capital is abundant.  We’ve

The 5 Keys to Corporate Longevity

The quest for immortality is as old as humankind.  From King Gilgamesh in 2100 BCE to Jeff Bezos and Larry Page, the only thing that stops our pursuit of longevity is death.   So why don’t we apply this same verve and vigor

Breaking Down Silos: Collaborative Innovation in Large Organizations

The Innovation Struggle: Great Ideas Lost in the Labyrinth Large organizations often face a paradox: they have a wealth of talent and resources, yet struggle to consistently generate groundbreaking ideas. The culprit? Silos. Departmental isolation, fragmented communication, and a lack

How IdeaScale Transforms Your Organization’s Creative Potential

The ability to innovate is crucial for success. Yet, many organizations struggle to harness their creative potential. Traditional suggestion boxes and unstructured brainstorming sessions often fail to capture valuable insights, leaving great ideas unnoticed. A 2023 Gallup study found that

AI Advancements Propel Army’s Military Capabilities

Like many sectors, the military has begun rapidly implementing artificial intelligence into military operations over the past few years. The adoption of AI systems has allowed them to perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention, proving invaluable in diverse military