Jessica Day

Motivate to Innovate: How?

Engagement is a challenge even in the most innovative companies. Bringing in stakeholders across the board will take more than just a welcome email and a few meetings. Here's how to gear your company for innovation, to motivate to innovate,

Are Your Change Management Processes Well-Oiled?

Change management focuses on people, and how they move from their current situation to a new one. Anyone who has been through a major organizational change knows that change doesn’t happen in isolation and that unintended consequences are to be

Why Perfectionism Stifles Innovation

Striving for excellence is not the same thing as demanding perfection. Striving for excellence opens up possibilities while demanding perfection attempts to carve outcomes in stone. It’s easy to see how perfectionism can stifle an innovation strategy and constrain people

Crowdsourcing Trends Shaping the Future of Innovation

Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. Essentially, it is the process of obtaining information or ideas from as many

How Change Management and Innovation Intersect

Innovation by definition means change. Not all change, however, is innovative. Change – whether innovative or not – is inevitable, and the people and companies that regard change as a leverageable asset are the ones that end up better off

Want Innovative Answers? Ask Effective Questions!

If somebody's car won't start, you don't ask them “Did you keep turning the key until it started?” Yet, when getting the motor running for innovation, we too often ask questions, not unlike that one. Relevant, powerful questions can take

How to Nurture Your Own Spirit of Innovation Daily

Innovation is ultimately about solving problems. While it’s possible to solve problems in both innovative and non-innovative ways, innovative problem-solving has the potential to make major changes to what people do, how they conduct business, and how they live life. Problem-solving is a skill

How to Run a Hackathon that Spurs Real Innovation

Hackathons originally emerged as a way to quickly advance software technologies and identify new areas for technology innovation. The term has since evolved to encompass other types of intensive collaboration events. Though hackathons often make use of software, they’re no