Jessica Day

Amazon’s Innovative Answer to Same-Day Delivery Bottlenecks

Last-mile delivery is the movement of a product to its final destination, which is usually someone’s residence. The logistics of last-mile delivery have become a topic of interest in recent years due to the popularity of e-commerce. Retail giant Amazon

How to Stay Ahead of the Game in a Fast-Changing Industry

At the intersection of modern technology and advertising, digital marketing is one of the fastest-changing industries in the world. And to stay relevant in digital marketing, you need to be innovative. And perhaps one of the most competitive and technology-dominated

How to Get the Most from an Innovation Conference

Conferences play an important role in professional life. Attending conferences relevant to your area of expertise can help you broaden your network, learn new things, and demonstrate innovation leadership. It can be tempting to think of a conference as a

Ways to Create a Customer Experience Strategy

Customer experience is defined as the sum of all interactions between a customer and an organization. In order for businesses to stay relevant in 2019, they must have an excellent customer experience strategy, or else they could be severely hurting

Idea Management: Learning When and How to Say “Enough”

We all know intellectually that sometimes projects fail. But that doesn’t necessarily make it easier when it’s our project that fails. If you have ever had to scrap a project, you’re in good company. Over one-third of projects fail, either not

6 Building Blocks for Innovation Department Success

Nearly 80 percent of executives surveyed by The Boston Consulting Group’s tenth global survey on innovation considered innovation to be either the most important priority at their company or in the top three. Employees, however, can be more skeptical. They’re already

Should You Hire an Innovation Consultant?

Finding the road to innovation can be difficult because there's no one map that leads you to it. Often, companies will turn to a guide, an innovation consultant, to put them on the path to more creative, flexible thinking. What

How to Improve Your Next Brainstorming Session

Brainstorming sessions sound like a great idea. Especially for breaking out of creative ruts, but too often brainstorming fizzles out. The main reason for this is that organizations don’t actually use any of the ideas that come out of brainstorming sessions.