Jessica Day

Catch Up on IdeaNation 2019 Interviews in the New Year

Want to catch up on any 2019 IdeaNation podcasts you may have missed before the first month of 2020 flies by? Click the 2019 Open Nation tab on the IdeaScale website to check out all the latest interviews, information, and more. What

Start the New Year with This Must-See Webinar

Do you believe trust-building takes place in your local community? Want to strengthen communication between you and your local government through the right change management and innovation strategies? An upcoming webinar, Local Government: Innovation for Better Civic Engagement, addresses these issues and

Jessica Day on Intrapreneurs, Ideation, and Innovation

Innovate or be left behind — that’s the reality of the business world. To that end, many businesses are forming innovation teams and looking to intrapreneurs to jump-start the process and keep it rolling.  Jessica Day, vice president of IdeaScale,

Five Reasons You Need Idea Management Software

It's a challenge every leader must overcome: the suggestion box. It seems so simple; set out a box, some pencils and paper, and let people anonymously contribute ideas. Then comes a flood you can barely manage, or a drought as

Josh Folk: Life Lessons for Continual Innovation

Josh Folk has turned the study and practice of innovation strategy into a multimillion-dollar business, helping millions of users across the world to grow and evolve with IdeaScale. In a recent interview with IdeaMensch, he talked about what it takes

Sorting through Ideas: Challenges and Opportunities

If innovation were easy, we wouldn’t need to create teams of talented individuals and task them with working at it. In fact, innovation is full of challenges and pitfalls. You can waste a lot of time, energy, and money going

How to Achieve Repeatable Innovation: A Chat with Spotless

“Would you ever think that you'd have a grounds person pitching an executive director asking for money?” asks Bridie Scott, Innovation Manager at Spotless. Spotless is one of Australia's top companies, a facilities management company with over 36,000 people. Catering,

Health Check: How’s Your Innovation Lifecycle?

Resting is for retirement. As long as you’re in business, you need to be on top of your game, and innovation is a big part of getting to the front of the pack (and staying there). Having a separate innovation