Internal Innovation as a Service

Infographic: Innovation Easy Wins vs. Projects

When organizations are gathering ideas, there are generally two types of ideas: easy wins and projects. Both can have a high level of value for any organization but require totally different strategies. Here's how you can organize your thinking around

Infographic: Internal Vs. External Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing can be used to help solve a number of different problems. The crowd can perform tasks, share information, or help in large scale creative projects. And that's how the crowd serves the purpose of innovation. They share ideas and

Infographic: The Virtual Innovation Lab

A Virtual Innovation Lab is a digital space in which an entire online crowd can remotely collaborate to experiment with new ideas and test new solutions to create new value. Many organizations are beginning to launch these systems in order

2021 IM Awards: Graybar

In order to foster a culture of innovation at Graybar where ideas are openly shared, evaluated, and promoted throughout the company, Graybar introduced the “NEXT” Innovation Program. While there are several goals of NEXT, the ultimate goal is to


Winpak is a global packaging corporation with twelve manufacturing facilities in North America. They manufacture and distribute high-quality packaging materials and innovative packaging machines, primarily used for the protection of perishable foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, medical and personal care. Manuel

Infographic: Crowdsourced Innovation Year in Numbers

2020 was an uncommon year and it resulted in some new exciting themes for innovation. This 2020 Year in Numbers showcases data from IdeaScale's innovation communities in order to provide insight, benchmarks and trends to innovators looking to start

2020 IM Awards: NASA

In their NASA@Work community, anyone with NASA credentials can run challenges, share problems, and post solutions. The Center for Collaborative Excellence and Innovation (CoECI) team makes all that possible. They coach challenge owners, right-size rewards and incentives, and encourage