Workflow & Idea Routing
Dynamically route ideas to the best decision makers, whether that’s a member’s superior, a subject matter expert or your top executives.

Linked Ideas
Identify trends and relationships between ideas, by linking ideas and showcasing how they build on one another.

Five Star Reviews
Rank any idea using the familiar five star scale on the criteria you assign.

Smart Tagging
Allow IdeaScale’s natural language processing technology to track subject matter and ideas with our smart tagging functionality.

Weighted Reviews
Prioritize ideas along different criteria and change the weight of different criteria.

Idea Portfolio
Moderators can get a global views of all ideas in their community. They can easily organize, sort, move, and tag all ideas that have been submitted one by one or in bulk.

Text Analysis
Select any group of ideas and identify themes and trends by allowing IdeaScale’s AI to showcase the words and tags that occur most commonly.