Jessica Day

IdeaScale’s Open Nation 2019 Set to Inspire Innovation

The spotlight will be on creativity, communication, inspire innovation, and innovation leadership at Open Nation 2019. IdeaScale’s annual conference is set for Oct. 24-25 in Washington, D.C. Organizers have jam-packed at least a dozen seminars led by some of the

Five Benefits of a Diverse Innovation Team

Diversity and inclusion are good ideas on many levels, but they can also drive your innovation strategy. Here's why a diverse innovation team leads to better products. Diversity Drives Performance The most basic answer is right there in the data.

Effective Digital Managers Build Ecosystems for Innovation

The digital workplace is increasingly faster-paced, with a speed-to-market mindset that doesn’t allow a leisurely pace or ignorance of digital advances.  Harvard Business School Professor Linda A. Hill talked to the Harvard Business School publication Working Knowledge about embracing digital transformation

Could Your Innovation Strategy Use a Leg Up?

Innovation can be hard work. However, if your innovation strategy results in lots of hard work for little reward, then it's time to step back and consider whether you need to give your team a leg up on the process.

Understanding the Design Thinking Process

Who is your customer? Any business can answer this question, in many cases in detail and almost effortlessly. How often do you ask that question when developing your product? That's what the design thinking process is all about, and it

Innovation Management Software: 4 Essential Components

Businesses are rapidly realizing that innovation isn’t something that “strikes”. But something that can be encouraged, generated and managed for the good of the company, its employees, and its customers. People have always had ideas. But never before has it

4 Signs It’s Time to Hire an Innovation Management Consultant

An innovation management consultant helps organizations establish innovation programs and keep innovation on track. Innovation management consulting has emerged as a profession as businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations have started prioritizing innovation. Organizations of all kinds have watched as innovative

Is Your Innovation Training Program All It Could Be?

Businesses can no longer ignore innovation and hope to remain competitive. If only innovation were as easy as snapping our fingers! It isn’t just tech companies and startups that are emphasizing innovation, but businesses in all industries and of all

What Role Does Practicality Play in Innovation?

Innovation is not just an endless succession of blue-sky concepts. In fact, if you think about it, innovations quite often make the practical aspects of life better. Banking from your phone is one example of innovation with practical results. While innovations