Jessica Day

Innovation Labs: The Good, the Bad, and the Uninspired

Does your company have a creative space for coming up with new ideas? Many large companies now do, and they’re becoming more popular day by day. These spaces, known as innovation labs, are safe places for organizations to implement idea

4 Ways Innovation Can Increase Business Revenue

In a recent study, researchers looked at different businesses and saw that the more the employees generated innovative ideas that management was likely to adopt, the higher the probability was that said company would grow its profits annually. At the

IdeaScale Achieves Carbon Neutrality!

Sustainability is an important part of innovation and requires a great deal of strategic planning. One aspect of becoming sustainable is to achieve carbon neutrality. We're excited to announce that IdeaScale has become carbon-neutral by reducing our carbon footprint  and

Elevate the Customer Experience with Idea Management Software

Idea management software has become an integral part of the customer experience. Now that companies are turning to customers for ideas when creating new products. They’re finding the landscape has changed. According to a recent Gartner survey, over 80 percent of

How to Lead Innovation in Government Agencies

Innovation in government is what changes history. As we've figured out better, more efficient, and fairer ways to govern ourselves, our world has changed for the better around us. However, government-level innovation is by necessity a complicated thing. Here's how

Innovation: A Key Differentiator in Times of Crisis

Innovation is what keeps businesses alive. It helps build customer relationships by addressing specific needs and allowing companies to thrive even in the face of adversity. According to a study conducted by Adobe, 81 percent of digitally mature businesses surveyed cite

4 Ways COVID-19 Forces Companies to Innovate

If there is a silver lining to the COVID-19 crisis, it is that the pandemic is prompting businesses to rethink their innovation strategies. The changes that COVID-19 has brought are occurring in waves, starting with the shutdown of production in

Stop the Spread: Facilitating COVID-19 Response Campaigns

Do you need help organizing your COVID-19 response campaigns? IdeaScale has you covered. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has prompted much reflection and serious consideration around the globe. IdeaScale can help you and your business contribute to meaningful solutions that will