Jessica Day

3 Keys for Breakthrough Innovation in Government

Breakthrough innovation is often what governments most need. Innovation in government is often incremental, with multiple smaller steps adding up to larger ones over time. Yet breakthrough innovation is highly possible in government; it just needs the right resources to

Which Industries Will Innovate Most in the Wake of COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created disruption across industries. How businesses and consumers behave is being altered by this crisis. Tech and non-tech companies are implementing remote working, travel has significantly decreased, and supply chains are seeing global disruption. Some of

How to Spot Innovation Opportunities that Others Miss

Spotting new opportunities is an important part of innovation. Becoming anticipatory means looking at industry trends to determine how they are shaping your industry both internally and externally. When used correctly, this innovation strategy can be effective in helping you

5 Prerequisites for Sustainable Government Innovation

Creating a thriving culture of innovation is difficult for any organization. But governments, in particular, can struggle with it. There are five pieces to creating sustainable government innovation that must be in place, whether municipal, state, or federal, to make

Influence Cultures that Drive Innovation!

Have you ever struggled to gain adoption of your innovation efforts? Have you had the organizational antibodies torpedo your good work? Do you struggle to gain alignment around your innovation programs? You are not alone.  These are the greatest challenges

Top Challenges to Innovation at the Government Level

Change in any organization requires innovation. This can seem daunting at the government level where initiatives can take longer to implement than in the private sector; however, the goals and challenges for both the public and private sectors are often

Reimagining Retail in the Age of Innovation

Does your retail innovation strategy make you stand out from the rest? In an industry that is continuously evolving. It’s crucial to keep up with how customers are shopping and figure out what that means for your business. In a