Jessica Day

Top Challenges for Open Innovation and How to Solve Them

Innovation works best when it incorporates a broad network of perspectives. Open innovation, where a company invites outside groups such as academic organizations and non-profits to offer ideas to address challenges. It can be a superb way to get those

Transform Your Organization with Process Innovation

Process innovation is perhaps the “classic” form of innovation. Finding a better way of accomplishing necessary business tasks is low-risk, and can lead to other types of innovations. Also helps companies maintain and sharpen their competitive edge. Developing innovative ways

What Does Healthcare Innovation Entail?

We live in an age of technological innovation, and one of the biggest beneficiaries of new technologies has been the healthcare industry. New technologies make both patient services and back-office practices faster and more accurate. Innovations for 2019 alone (as

Leveraging the Benefits of Open Innovation

Open innovation is innovation where companies or organizations reach out to other companies, individuals, and the general public to create innovative products and services. The internet has made this type of innovation far more feasible than it once was. Knowledge

Top Five Skills of Innovative Leaders

Innovation is about skill as much as talent. While creativity is central to any innovation strategy, it takes more than just ideas to being an innovative leader. Here are the skills you need to know about innovative leaders not just

Innovation or Disruption: What’s Your Aim?

The terms “innovation” and “disruption” are commonly used in today’s business world. Often, they’re treated as interchangeable, but they’re not the same thing. Disruption is innovation, but not all innovation is disruption, just like all squares are technically rectangles, but

Four Ways to Refine Your Innovation Process

Just like innovation itself, an innovation program is constantly being shaped by the environment around it over time. A good innovation program absorbs new information and ideas constantly. So how do you refine it? Look For Feedback Your innovation process

How to Create Clarity of Purpose in an Innovative Environment

Innovation is sometimes at odds with what many managers want, which is to improve the efficiency with which current processes operate. While innovation can and should improve efficiency, it often steps outside “how it’s done” to develop new ways of

Calculating the ROI for Your Idea Management System Launch

How do you measure the intangible? This is a particular struggle for innovation departments and committees launching an idea management system, who often need to come up with KPIs and metrics to explain what they're doing and how it benefits