Jessica Day

Crowdsourcing vs. Focus Groups: A Comparative Review

We live in the information age. Anyone can quickly and easily gather data. As they say, “Data is the new oil.” However, it can also be the new trash. Companies use crowdsourcing for product innovation and focus groups for market research to

The Cost of Not Innovating

Is there anything more painful than hearing “because we’ve always done it this way”? You can’t be innovative if you do things the same way every time. We get it: taking risks can be scary, but so can not taking

From Consumer to Collaborator: A Look at Open Innovation

Listening to your customer is part of any business. Now even more so than ever. Social media and online connectivity let consumers offer organizations instant feedback, both positive and negative, from detailed reviews to passionate emails to there-and-gone Snapchat snaps.

Overcoming Organizational Change Fatigue: 5 Strategies That Work

Change is a necessity in today’s world, yet change initiatives don’t always work out. Pushing endless changes onto employees is a sure way to induce organizational change fatigue. Here’s how to use change management. What is Organizational Change Fatigue? One